Why Vote? The upcoming Alberta provincial election is on May 29th!


As a member of Autism Edmonton, I’d like to engage your thoughts on the upcoming provincial election.  Although our organization does not receive ongoing funding through any level of government, many of the programs and services that our members access are delivered through provincial government ministries.

Housing, employment, education, and social services, such as PDD and FSCD funding, are managed through provincial channels.  This means that the upcoming election is your chance to have your voice heard on these topics that directly impact our members.  With 1 in 50 Canadians having an autism diagnosis, individuals and families need to have their voices heard to ensure access to adequate services and supports.

In the past few weeks, Autism Edmonton has engaged on behalf of autistic individuals with UCP Ministers of Education and Community and Social Services.  In the coming week, we will meet with Edmonton MLAs from the NDP.  Advocating and ensuring that our concerns are heard is one way to continue to work towards solutions in the areas our members need the most.

On May 29th, please make your voice heard.  Information on issues affecting disabled people and how to vote can be found here: https://inclusionalberta.org/albertaelection2023/ Inclusion Alberta has done a great job of pulling together a list of issues that may impact you or your family.  Please look and think about how you might influence change by dropping your ballot in the box.

The primary reason that people don’t head to the polling station on election day is a lack of connection to political issues.  Please know that the topics addressed in this election are far from just the “political arena”; they are topics that impact your everyday life.

On May 29th, please help us to support the autistic community by heading to your polling station and making your voice heard.

Submitted by Melinda Noyes, Executive Director of Autism Edmonton