Being Autistic, Queer and Proud

Being Autistic, Queer and Proud

Being proud of who I am at the very core of my being hasn’t always been a thing for me. I grew up undiagnosed autistic with undetected ADHD, who also happened to be a closeted member of the LGBTQ+ community. It wasn’t until my 24th year of surviving humanhood that I came out (fully) as gay and began discovering my neurodivergent brain. Talk about a big year.

I was a “weird” kid in school, never explicitly labelled, but it was evident through the subtle bullying and sly comments I experienced consistently throughout my school-aged years. I was the kid […]

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Embracing the Double Rainbow

Embracing the Double Rainbow

By: Emily Coombs, University of Calgary, Counselling Psychology 

Embracing the Diverse Tapestry of Humanity

Welcome, dear readers, to a groundbreaking blog series that delves into the captivating intersection of LGBTQ+ identity and autism. As we embark on this enlightening journey, we will uncover the unique experiences and perspectives of individuals who reside at the fascinating crossroads of these two integral aspects of their lives.

In a world where diversity is the cornerstone of progress and understanding, it is crucial that we open our minds and hearts to the beautiful complexity of human existence. Both the LGBTQ+ community and the autistic community have historically […]

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